I'm a full stack developer passionate about building scalable backend systems, dynamic user interfaces, and integrating IoT solutions with cloud technologies. I thrive in creating efficient, real-time applications that bridge the gap between devices and data, always with a focus on performance, security, and user experience.
Siemens | Software Engineer
Sept 2021 - Present | Gurugram, Haryana, India
Frontend Development
Developed dynamic and responsive UIs using React, JavaScript, and TypeScript, integrating them with backend APIs.
Designed a device monitoring and visualization screen using Chart.js for real-time IoT data, improving user insights.
Led efforts to increase UI test coverage from 52% to 85%, addressing SonarQube issues for code quality improvements.
Suggested and implemented React Hook Form and Zod for handling complex forms and validations, replacing Formik and Yup for better performance and simplicity.
Backend Development
Developed and maintained mgc-gateway and EMS backend applications using Java Spring Boot.
Integrated OPC UA protocol to communicate with ctrlX core IoT devices, handling real-time time-series data.
Stored time-series data in InfluxDB and user data in MySQL to ensure efficient database management.
Built and secured APIs using Spring Security and implemented custom Spring Filters for enhanced security.
Developed GraphQL APIs for multiple microservices, optimizing data access and providing robust endpoints to the frontend.
Snap Container Expertise
Created Snap containers for ctrlX core IoT devices, successfully converting Docker-based applications to Snap for deployment.
Developed a Snap container app to handle real-time data publication from the ctrlX data layer to AWS IoT Core using MQTT.
Managed real-time subscribe/unsubscribe functionality based on user input from a tree view, enabling dynamic data handling.
Addressed critical Snap application functionalities like handling connection loss and ensuring uninterrupted data transmission.
Cloud & Real-Time Data Processing
Integrated AWS IoT Core and Apache Flink for real-time data streaming, writing data to AWS Timestream DB.
Conducted a PoC to replace the MQTT pub-sub model with gRPC, significantly improving the real-time data processing and reducing latency.
Deployed gRPC clients on ctrlX core IoT devices and set up servers for processing time-series data, storing it in InfluxDB for further analysis.
Qwikstudios | Software Engineer
Jan 2021 - Jun 2021 | Noida, Utter Pradesh, India
Frontend Development
Developed two core modules for Quick-Banner: a brand asset management system and an Unsplash API-integrated image search application. Utilized HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js and MySQL.
Backend Development
Designed and implemented two REST APIs using Java and Spring Boot to interact with a MySQL database and power the Quick-Banners front-end application.