Set your vibes!

Hi. I'm Vinod Jatav.

A Fullstack Developer.

I'm a full stack developer passionate about building scalable backend systems, dynamic user interfaces, and integrating IoT solutions with cloud technologies. I thrive in creating efficient, real-time applications that bridge the gap between devices and data, always with a focus on performance, security, and user experience.


Siemens | Software Engineer

Sept 2021 - Present | Gurugram, Haryana, India

Frontend Development

  • Developed dynamic and responsive UIs using React, JavaScript, and TypeScript, integrating them with backend APIs.
  • Designed a device monitoring and visualization screen using Chart.js for real-time IoT data, improving user insights.
  • Led efforts to increase UI test coverage from 52% to 85%, addressing SonarQube issues for code quality improvements.
  • Suggested and implemented React Hook Form and Zod for handling complex forms and validations, replacing Formik and Yup for better performance and simplicity.

Backend Development

  • Developed and maintained mgc-gateway and EMS backend applications using Java Spring Boot.
  • Integrated OPC UA protocol to communicate with ctrlX core IoT devices, handling real-time time-series data.
  • Stored time-series data in InfluxDB and user data in MySQL to ensure efficient database management.
  • Built and secured APIs using Spring Security and implemented custom Spring Filters for enhanced security.
  • Developed GraphQL APIs for multiple microservices, optimizing data access and providing robust endpoints to the frontend.

Snap Container Expertise

  • Created Snap containers for ctrlX core IoT devices, successfully converting Docker-based applications to Snap for deployment.
  • Developed a Snap container app to handle real-time data publication from the ctrlX data layer to AWS IoT Core using MQTT.
  • Managed real-time subscribe/unsubscribe functionality based on user input from a tree view, enabling dynamic data handling.
  • Addressed critical Snap application functionalities like handling connection loss and ensuring uninterrupted data transmission.

Cloud & Real-Time Data Processing

  • Integrated AWS IoT Core and Apache Flink for real-time data streaming, writing data to AWS Timestream DB.
  • Conducted a PoC to replace the MQTT pub-sub model with gRPC, significantly improving the real-time data processing and reducing latency.
  • Deployed gRPC clients on ctrlX core IoT devices and set up servers for processing time-series data, storing it in InfluxDB for further analysis.

Qwikstudios | Software Engineer

Jan 2021 - Jun 2021 | Noida, Utter Pradesh, India

Frontend Development

  • Developed two core modules for Quick-Banner: a brand asset management system and an Unsplash API-integrated image search application. Utilized HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js and MySQL.

Backend Development

  • Designed and implemented two REST APIs using Java and Spring Boot to interact with a MySQL database and power the Quick-Banners front-end application.